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Pet Insurance Made Easy

Servicing Arizona & California Communities Since 2001

Pet Insurance is easy with Jim’s help!

We offer comprehensive Pet Insurance policies to keep our fur babies safe

So why do I need Pet Insurance?

Great question!  Like humans, sometimes our furry friends unexpectedly get sick and may require special attention which could involve costly tests, unexpected surgeries, medications, and potential additional follow-up care. Pet Insurance can help keep these costs manageable.

Get your pet insurance done right.

When was the last time you looked at your social media or talked with a friend and heard about their dog or cat being sick and needing extensive care that cost thousands of dollars of unexpected out-of-pocket costs? Most Americans have health insurance for that exact reason; it just seems like when a dog or cat has an issue, it costs so much more, so a pet insurance policy may make sense.

We understand pet insurance can be confusing, which is why we do not just sell you a policy; we ask questions, listen, educate and provide options that make sense. We work with you to design your pet insurance policy, then shop it with all our companies to get you the best price!

Who Offers Pet Insurance

There are a lot of carriers, from big box stores to specialty Pet Insurance companies. We offer Safeco and Nationwide Pet Insurance.

What should I know?

  1. You are often limited to their facility if you buy a comprehensive box store policy. In contrast, if you go with independent Pet Insurance, you have more options for visits to emergency clinics and vets.
  2. Understand your selectable limit options, usually $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, and potentially $15,000.
  3. Before you adopt or purchase a dog or cat, please consider researching the breed, as Pet Insurance policies may have exclusions related to breeds and even breeders. For example, with bulldogs known to have breathing issues may have exclusions.

All The Bells & Whistles You Want

  • Check-Ups
  • Vaccines
  • Spade and Neuter
  • Diagnosis
  • Testing
  • Medications
  • Surgeries
  • Dental

Not Covered

  • Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Cosmetic Issues
  • Breeder limitations

Note: Always get a copy of the policy to read the fine print to ensure it is right for you! 🙂


Nationwide Pet Insurance

Coming soon…

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